Brief History
ASOSAI(Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions) is one of the Regional Groups of the
International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions(INTOSAI). Other Regional Groups are
ASOSAI was established in 1979 with 11 members. The Membership of the ASOSAI consists of
Charter Members, Members and Associate Members. Now membership has grown to 46 SAIs.
During the 9th INTOSAI Congress in Lima, Peru in October 1977, the establishment of ASOSAI
was proposed by Mr. Tantuico, Chairman of the SAI of the Philippines. In September 1978,
the Heads of nine Asian SAIs, who attended a seminar which DSE (Deutsche Stiftung für Internationale
Entwicklung, German Foundation for International Development) hosted in Berlin, West Germany,
adopted and signed the Charter for ASOSAI.
In May 1979 the first Assembly and Governing Board meeting were held in New Delhi, India. At the
Assembly, the Rules and Regulations of ASOSAI was approved.
The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) is the professional organization of
Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in countries that belong to the United Nations or its specialized agencies.
SAIs play a major role in auditing government accounts and operations, and in promoting sound financial
management and accountability in their governments. INTOSAI supports its members in this task by providing
opportunities to share information and experiences about the auditing and evaluation challenges facing them
in today's changing and increasingly interdependent world.